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Hello!  Thank you so much for being here.  I am Heather, owner of HTTC, coach, facilitator and speaker.  



1:1 Transformational Coaching

Authentic Communication Team Workshops

Dedicated one on one sessions, where we dive deep into all that is possible for you.  Book a discovery call to explore what coaching is like with, and to look at best fit package options for you.

Motivate, engage and empower your team to communicate more effectively, build trust and authenticity and increase innovation.  For the most impactful outcome, book an individual coaching session for each participant ahead of the workshop.

About Me

Born in Taiwan, moving around Asia until the age of 9, I grew up in the UK with a slight sense of 'other'.  I spent years believing that I did not know what I wanted to do, that I 'drifted' through my life.  I believed I 'ended up' in jobs and then found out that I was good at them. I told myself my life (professional and personal - because within each I am always me) was determined by external forces.  As an adult I lived and worked in Taiwan, Egypt then Malaysia - abroad for 9 years looking for something.   I always hoped it might 'click' but wasn't sure I even believed it could.


Then I discovered coaching.  Getting a coach changed my life.  Not so much externally, no big leaps (you know, the ones that you tell yourself are the only way possible to make change) but internally; how I view my world, my career, my role within my own life, how happy I am, how powerful, adventurous and creative I feel.  It's incredible.


I also deliver corporate workshops to teams on authentic communication, where each team member leaves with strategies, tools and a real desire to bring more of themselves to work - and each company leaves with a more effective, cohesive, motivated and innovative team.


When I am not working, I am mum to Georgie, partner to Justin, love dogs, road trips and adventures, kitchen dancing, bellowing (describes my passionate singing and laughing), Lindor Lindt balls and Ted Lasso.


N.M. Business Owner, Singapore

I am a different person…I’ve been working on other aspects of my life during the same period as well,  but working with you has truly been transformational.  Me on the inside feels so free, I can't truly explain the lightness I feel.  I actually like me, I like the inner thought me.

B. D Author and Whistleblower, Inverness

Heather is a uniquely skilled practitioner.  She is highly attentive, kind and empathetic.  She is also not afraid to challenge, be gently critical and to assert what she feels I could do to get the best of me.

K.W. Operations Manager, Stroud

I have felt lifted, lighter emotionally and mentally, I’ve felt joy, excitement, motivated, proactive - I FELT!  I thought I couldn’t feel or have feelings. The last 6 months have helped me realise it’s all within my reach.  I’m not the same person.  I’ve loved every second.

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©2023 by Heather Tracey Transformational Coach. Proudly created with

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